Finally arriving at Utö Värdshus. Not disappointed at all, just a little tired! Photo: Jonas E Jonefjäll / ÖTILLÖ.

Wow! What a day! This year’s edition of the ÖTILLÖ Swimrun World Championship was just as magical as last time. It’s different every year, but always magical. I’ll say it again: This is a race that deserves all its buzz and mythology.

Running on Ornö before T14: Ornö church. Photo: Mikael Rodemar (private).

Me and my team mate Tomas Granberg of team “TG Swimrun Coach / Extfin” managed to finish 20th overall, which is an improvement from last year’s 27th overall. Pretty awesome to break into top 20 at World Champs! We did most things according to plan and had or caused no major problems along the way.

This is just before time 15: Ornö South. Time to put the wetsuit upper on again, while running. Photo: Pierre Mangez / ÖTILLÖ.

This year mother nature gave us warm water and a steady head wind. The wind slowed the swimming down a bit. She also blessed us with rain causing the rock to be very slippery in the first runs, but that suits us just perfectly in competition with other teams.

Time 15: Ornö church. Photo: Mikael Rodemar (private).

We’ve come a long way from seeing ÖTILLÖ on YouTube five years ago and trying to learn to swim properly. I remember our first competition. I’ve never seen anyone swim as slowly as my partner Tomas after he threw up and was sick half of the race.

But look at us now, in the World Champs top 20. If we can do it, so can you. You’ll have a great time too, because swimruns are always an adventure and specifically the ÖTILLÖ World Championship is as tough, competitive and wild as it gets.

Me finding land. Photo: Jakob Edholm / ÖTILLÖ.
My team mate Tomas Granberg. Photo: Jakob Edholm / ÖTILLÖ.

Mikael Rodemar put this film from the race on YouTube, which has quite a lot of us in it.

Thanks to the race organization, staff and volunteers. Awesome job!

Thanks to all the people cheering along the course. It felt like we were running and swimming from party to party.

Thanks to our 2019 sponsors:

Extfin is a free-of-charge service to compare loans for small companies in Sweden. It makes it easy to compare the rates and other terms of different lenders, while not causing multiple credit lookups to be registered.
TG Swimrun Coach
TG Swimrun Coach is Tomas’s coaching business based in Stockholm. Take the opportunity to develop you swimming, running and swimrun specific skills. Tomas is a knowledgeable coach and scrutinous in teaching all he knows about these sports.
